Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera: Present! The Falange and the Spanish National Revolution

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera was born on April 14, 1903, in a turmoil filled period of Spanish history. The last strongholds of the Spanish empire such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines were lost to the United States. Primo De Rivera was born on April 24th, 1903, as the son of General Miguel Primo De Rivera, the Prime Minister of Spain under King Alfonso XIII until 1930. With the fall of his father, a period of chaos and repeat elections took place until the 19th of November, 1933, where the conservative Spanish right won 205 seats, and therefore became the most powerful force over the political situation in the country.
“You cannot, even if you wanted to, follow the advice of our country’s most outstanding men- you cannot be deaf and blind to Spain’s overpowering agony.” In October of 1933, Jose Antonio’s grouping combined with the National-Syndicalists of Ramiro Ledesma to form a new radical political movement called “Spanish Phalanx”. Jose Antonio was a powerful speaker, who sought to bring Spanish nationalists away from the traditional “right” parties, and struggle for a united and great Spain against Communism and Capitalism. Jose Antonio spoke out in particular against the Marxist and Democrat alliance called the “Popular Front”, which was organized by Moscow for the expressed purpose of spreading Bolshevism to Spain.
By February 1936, The Communist-led Popular Front was elected by a razor thin margin. The electoral victory emboldened Communists and Anarchists and a wave of Left-wing violence that included political assassinations, arson attacks on churches, looting, and general terrorism caused panic throughout Spain. At the same time, the numbers of the Falange party grew exponentially as people searched for a way to fight back. By the 14th of March, 1936, the Falange was officially outlawed by the Republican/Popular Front government, and Jose Antonio who refused to lower his flag of resistance, was arrested on illegal firearms charges and was sent to Alicante prison.
“Harassed on all flanks, without money, without newspapers, besieged, misrepresented everywhere, we have a mission that is difficult to a miraculous degree; but then we believe in miracles; we are seeing a miracle happening in Spain” he stated in 1935. With the outbreak of a military movement led by General Francisco Franco, Jose Antonio’s Bolshevik captors decided to charge him as being the ideological leader of the uprising, and forced him to endure a Soviet-style show trial. The same Bolshevik “Popular Front” government, as usual for tools of alien powers, later allowed Joseph Stalin to loot hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Spanish gold in exchange for cheaply made, worthless Soviet weaponry that was shipped with little to no ammo.
Soon after his sentence, Jose Antonio, filled with pride, stared down the firing squad, and exclaims with all the power of a liberated, nationalist soul: “Long Live Spain!” On November 20th, 1936, at the age of 33, Jose Antonio became a part of the Pantheon of heroes, not only for the Spanish people, but also in the hearts of all the nationalists of Europe! Throughout Spain, freedom fighters still honor their leader proclaiming loudly in streets and squares: “Jose Antonio- PRESENTE!”.
Jose Antonio considered death to be a given when in struggle. He lived his life leading from the frontlines of the fight and did not lose heart either behind bars or before the firing squad. The Bolsheviks may have been able to take his life, but they could not control his free spirit, that today touches the souls of Nationalists around the world through his writings and memory. Jose Antonio remains an important figure in the struggle against communism, capitalism, globalization, ethnic destruction, and the teachers of falsehoods that defend all these systems.
Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera: PRESENT!
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